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Social media is growing out of control, so it’s no doubt that the entainment industry is using it to market their products. I myself am a member of serval social media sites such as; Facebook, Twitter, Myspace, YouTube, WordPress, and Linkedin. On Facebook, Twitter, and Myspace I mainly use it to keep up with my friends, but I also use it to see what is going on with some of my favorite stores, tv shows, etc. One thing that I think is really cool about Twitter is that it lets you connect with movie stars and award shows. At first I wondered how legit it really was, but then I started to read some of the post from these celebrities and from what I can tell it’s really them. Celebrities using Twitter make me and I’m sure many others feel like I am actually one of their friends and that they may actually see one of my post. I have had a few celebrities request to follow me on Twitter and it made me feel pretty cool. I have no clue if their manager added me or it is some automatic thing, but none the less it made me feel a little special.

I think blogging and sites like Twitter allow celebrities, tv shows, and award shows to really connect to their audience. It makes their audience feel like they really care about what they think and their opinions. It also makes it more personal. You don’t feel like someone from the network is contacting you, but instead that actual celebrity is asking for your help.

Having that personal connection I think really aids to that celebrity or tv show. And for the majority of the time it is a positive connection.


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